Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Really Hope I'm Not Flying Home On An Airbus

What the hell is happening with those planes? Another crash, yesterday?? Note to ITA: Let's look at a way that customers can purchase tickets based on aircraft type. Personally, I'd be looking at that option right about now.

You know, I used to really dislike flying. I guess I didn't really worry about flying when I was a kid (mom, is that true? Was your boy always a brave little trooper?), but for some reason that all changed when I grew up (whatever growing up I've done). Maybe it was because I didn't do so well in college physics and as a result, I didn't truly trust the concepts of "lift" and "aerodynamics"? I'd like to blame the public education system for not properly preparing me, but let's face it: I was just lazy.

Anyway, I remember my first flight as an adult, back when I was working for Lucent (those were the days!). I was flying from Manchester, NH to Detroit. It had been several years since I'd last flown, and I admit to being a little bit nervous on the ride to the airport. Nothing major. Sitting in the terminal saw a marked increase in nerves, though. By the time I boarded the plane, I was having serious misgivings about this trip. It actually got to the point where I was about ready to stand up and walk off the plane, but lucky for me, the door thumped close right beforehand. I managed to maintain my dignity and didn't freak out in front of everyone.

I think the scariest thing about flying, for me, is the total lack of control and lack of any meaningful information. Slight turbulance? Panic! The initial deceleration on approach? Panic. The plane banking into a turn? Panic. Those first few flights were not fun for me. And don't even get me started about those horrible landings, with the plane shifting side to side, and bouncing up and down. Why, if I wasn't flying first class all the time, with free wine, I don't know how I would have gotten through.

But that's all in the past. I'm fine with flying now. Of course, before my flight to Japan a few years ago, I was really wondering how I'd handle a 14 (or 17?) hour flight. I survived. The only problem now (aside from bad turbulance. I'll never enjoy that) is that I get incredibly bored and fidgety on planes. I just don't want to sit there for so long. But the actual flying is no problem anymore.

Of course, after reading about a string of Airbus... incidents? maybe flying will be just a tad more worrisome. On the other hand, it's totally out of my control, so why worry? It's not like I can just not come home. I mean, it's way to hot over here for me to stay. Too bad about that.

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