Friday, June 19, 2009

That Was Pretty Ghetto

but at the same time, awesome.

Just went to dinner with my friend Lin. He's a student at Hong Kong U, and been here about a year and a half. He knows a few places, and when deciding where to go tonight, I said I wanted something authentic. We're in Central Hong Kong, which is kind of a pricey area. Because of that, there are a lot of over-priced bars/restaurants populated with drunken ex-pats. Not exactly my scene.

We went to a place, like an open market, which during the day is a food market and at night, is a bunch of places serving food. It's pretty low-tech there, but evidently authentic.

This place was grimey, smoke-filled and loud. There were some less than savory characters around. Pretty awesome.

Thanks, Lin, for a great authentic experience.

Oh, at one point a police wagon (paddy wagon, we call them at home) rolled up and everyone started yelling, and pushing some guy forward. I think they were joking that he was wanted by the cops. But yeah, pretty awesome. I managed to make it out of there with my watch and wallet, though, so it's all good.

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