Sunday, June 14, 2009

I Bought a Kinfe!

I've actually been pretty much lacking in kitchen utensils the last couple of weeks. Since I don't have a kitchen here, I've been relying on frozen meals and restaurants. But man cannot live on frozen foods and restaurants alone! At least this man can't.

Until now, I've only had a spoon in the house, for breakfast. And pretty much anything you can eat with a fork, you can eat with a spoon, though spaghetti would be difficult. Not an issue, though, since I have no kitchen. But I finally got off my ass and got some implements.

Last night, I... liberated... some chopsticks from a restaurant. I never like those plastic ones because they always seem so slippery. Last night we had some higher quality wooden ones, so I helped myself to a pair. Come to think of it, I should have taken two pairs. Hey, don't judge me. I'm trying to survive here! If I have to steal some chopsticks, so be it. Sure, I could buy a pair, but that's not very economical, now is it?

In addition to the new chopsticks, I just bought myself a knife. Nothing fancy, just a basic 8" chef's knife. My new plan is to start buying some fresh veggies and making myself salads for lunch. Sandwiches, too. I'm going old school.

Tonight, to celebrate my new utensils, I made myself a salad, my first in several weeks! It was very basic, just lettuce, radish and carrot mix. I bought some carrots so I went a little heavy there. With my new knife, I'm able to peel them and add some slices to the salad. I also bought some pre-cooked duck, which I'm gonna add. Look how fancy I am! Add a little thousand island dressing (99% fat free, of course) and I'm pretty happy.

It's not that I'm particularly proud of this salad. There's really no skill, creativity or effort involved. I'm just happy that I can eat salads again. Please note that the sickly green colored tray is what I've got in the room. Not my choice of presentation, but we work with what we've got (the bowl is mine)

From What I did on my summer vacation


  1. If you find yourself needing anything that can easily be picked up at a Target and mailed out, let me know. It sucks to not have the right tools.

  2. Look out! It's a thief! And he's got a knife! heh

    By the way, you don't have to peel carrots, just wash them. Or not even. Maybe it's different in HK but carrots are delivered pretty clean compared to, say, potatoes. It's one of those things we just do because we always did. If you're worried about pesticides peeling isn't going to help on a root veg like a carrot.

  3. I did immediately regret my decision to decline a bag, once I walked out of the store. It was only like 2 minutes, but I felt like such a creep walking down the street with a knife. At night.

    Then I thought, "maybe I should put it in my pocket?" But then the handle was sticking out. Maybe tuck it in my belt? Nope, that doesn't work, either.

    I figured I could diffuse any tension by just saying hello to anyone I thought, but it's probably not a good idea to approach people at night, with a knife, and say "HI!"

  4. Now that you have a kinfe you can eat knishes...

    They're relying on you to proof their English eh?

    Watching you like a hawk I am. Even from 12,000 miles away.

    Have fun.
