Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wandering the New Territories

I'm not 100% sure about this, but evidently the New Territories are a part of Hong Kong that the British took over after they had possession of the island. I think the term "New Territories" is a translation of the Chinese character, or something. If I wasn't totally lazy, I'd look it up, but really, would the truth be any more interesting than my explanation? I agree, it wouldn't be.

Anyway, my co-interns, Catherine and Brian, decided to do a little hiking today in the New Territories. Unfortunately, fortune did not smile kindly upon us. On the way there, it started raining pretty good. We met a local friend of Catherine's up in the mountains somewhere. But we had a decision to make. Go out on a mountain during a thunderstorm, or find something else to do. Well, as discretion is the better part of valor, we decided to head down to a coastal town and get something to eat (notwithstanding the fact that we all had a little food on us, since we figured we'd just eat on the trail).

The little coastal town was ok. I've included the following for your viewing pleasure, and because I've been lazy about pictures this last week.

Here's LuLu (Catherine's friend), myself and Brian outside a little noodle shop / seafood place
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here's Brian, myself and Catherine. Wouldn't you want this crack team of soon-to-be (maybe) lawyers representing you?
From What I did on my summer vacation

Here's me in an "action shot". Man, I really look horrible in pictures. Is this really what I look like? Why has any girl ever gone out with me, again? Man, I must be funny
From What I did on my summer vacation

After hanging out at this little seaside town, we sent Lulu off on her way, and the three of us went to another town (frankly, I really can't keep these towns' names straight), close by Catherine's hometown. This location is near the coast, in kind of a sheltered cove, where there are some nice places to wander.

From What I did on my summer vacation

I'm pretty sure this one's blurry, but I'm not 100% sure. I kind of feel like there's something in focus in this one. I was just walking along snapping pics. I guess vision stabilization doesnt' work as well as I'd like. You're telling me I have to stop to take a picture?
From What I did on my summer vacation

This is a nice little jetty... Uh, jetting? out into the water.
From What I did on my summer vacation

A little wider shot, similar to that last one
From What I did on my summer vacation

Very nice walkway
From What I did on my summer vacation

I actually wanted to get a shot of this little dog, but he kept running back and forth. I think this guy thought I was taking his picture. Should I not have winked when we passed?
From What I did on my summer vacation

Our destinatio was this little dock. It was surprisingly sturdy, considering it looked like a strong breeze would knock it down. That's Brian near the end there
From What I did on my summer vacation

Looking back. Those are our backpacks
From What I did on my summer vacation

Catherine in her favorite spot. She's an avid runner, and often comes to this place to relax
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here's Brian joining Catherine for a rest
From What I did on my summer vacation

Dueling cameras. You taking a pic of me taking a pic of you (actually, I was taking a pic of the dock)
From What I did on my summer vacation

Looks solid, doesn't it?! That woman looked up after I took this pic, and didn't seem happy. What? I'm on vacation!
From What I did on my summer vacation

And on the way back, I wanted to get a pic to show some crazy apartment density. This is just an example of a part of a cluster of apartment buildings. That's a lot of people. Strangely, the train (forget the line) was mostly empty. I guess they're all taking the bus?

From What I did on my summer vacation

Even though we couldn't hike our intended route, it was still a fun day hanging out with my co-interns (plus 1 honorary intern. I think Lulu's a low level accountant type, so she can be one of us). Of course, it's still insanely hot and humid, which kind of sucks. Oh well.

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