Monday, June 29, 2009

Please, No More People Trying to Avoid Taxes

Seriously, the lengths people will go through to avoid giving anything back to society is really amazing. I'm not naive. I've known for a long time that people can be totally self-interested and blind to any possible chance that maybe they're the beneficiary of not simply their own Herculean efforts and superior intellect, but perhaps also the efforts of anyone else in the world. But time and again I'm reading about how unfair it is that people have to pay these crushing taxes, which serve only to deny these paragons of hard work their rightful due. It's their money! How dare the government, which provides them absolutely no services or benefits of any kind, STEAL their property!

The issue is always framed the same way. It's never about trying to find a responsible way that these people can contribute to society. It's always about how they're so virtuously providing jobs for everyone else, and working so much harder for everyone else.

I just want to sit down in talk to some of these people and ask them a few questions. Specifically, I want to know why they think that the rest of us should ensure that their investments are legit, and that the companies they're investing in aren't just ripping them off (not that that would ever happen). Or why the rest of us should help pay for basic medical or scientific research which will inevitably lead to some breakthrough that will save their lives. Or why the rest of us should ensure there are police so that the rich are able to walk down the street without some thug taking his wallet? Or why the rest of us should pay to maintain roads, which benefit them in innumerable ways?

Basically, I just want to ask these assholes why they feel entitled to reap all of the benefits of our society while doing their darndest to avoid contributing to the costs in any way? If they spent as much money and effort trying to help things as they do trying to avoid pitching in with their goddamned share instead of whining, I'd be amazed. And honestly, thankful. Wouldn't that be worth it, rich people? Wouldn't it be worth paying just a few dollars to help out society, if it got you a "thank you" from me? I bet it would.

Please, I really don't want to read any more "articles" (in quotes because half the time, it's written by some barely literate blogger pumping some scam) about peoples' efforts to avoid paying ANY taxes. Luckily, tomorrow's my last day so I should be ok. Thank god.

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