Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Quirks at the Law Firm

Yesterday, I finally got my password to use the printer. Yes, a password. Evidently, there's an issue with people making too many copies. Or something. I'm not really sure.

You know, with the advent of the computer, we were told that paper would become a thing of the past. No reason to print out all those pages when you can just zip them around the intertubes. Alas, they lied! We print more than ever. And evidently, someone is watching who makes all those copies.

I find this interesting, though not surprising considering the tight control over office supplies. But I have to wonder what the point is. Tracking peoples' printing? The only people that print are the underlings (like me!) who are doing the direct bidding of our superiors. If someone is printing too much, isn't that just as likely to mean that the superior is the one at fault?

The printers are right out in the open, so it's not like we can sneak in there and get an ass shot. So what's the issue? I'm really not used to this Big Brother watching over me thing. If we can't all be treated like adults, and trusted not to make too many copies or to take too many pens, then there are bigger issues.

And, do you know how long it's been since I've had to punch a time card?! Really? A time card? It's like we're doing piece-work on the assembly line. Can't we be treated like professionals (and adults!), at least a little??

All that said, I've been lucky to be getting some interesting assignments. Even though my computer can't run email and a web browser at the same time (I'm almost not even joking there), where it is running, I'm actually enjoying writing to clients and opposing counsel. Finally, I'm allowed to embrace my combative side. I wish I could say I was getting paid to embrace it, but that's sadly not the case. Sometime!

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