Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Underwear Catastrophy Averted (or How I Am Like a 19th Centry Settler Woman)

Found the laundry room! I got laundry done last night, but it was touch and go for a while. I wasn't sure if I was going to get in, so I had to have a plan B. Plan B was me washing underwear by hand. In my tub.

Let me tell you: those women had it rough. Sure, most of the time, people focus on the obvious hardships like no plumbing, lack of double paned glass windows, poor suspension on the wagon. But you know, doing laundry by hand is no picnic. Bending down like that and working those clothes almost immediately makes my back hurt. And for some reason, it's such an annoying pain. I mean, it isn't the most pain you'll ever feel. It's bearable. But maybe because you know there's a machine somewhere that should be doing this work, it feels all the worse.

Anyway, there I was, in my last pair of clean (quasi clean?) underwear, kneeling in front of the tub full of suds with my t-shirts and underwear floating around. I thought "how hard is this gonna be?" as I began. Answer: hard. It's just such an awkward position. After the first minute of so, I'm thinking "maybe this stuff's clean enough". Another minute later I was sure. But then came the rinsing.

Pull plug from drain, and as the tub empties, pile the now clean (quasi clean?) articles near the back. Then I start running clean water and take each article one by one and slosh it around. It took so frigging long to clear each of suds. Lame.

Anyway, to conclude this exciting story, I managed to get some hand washing done, but I eventually snagged a machine to do the yeoman's share. Yay technology.

1 comment:

  1. if there are some pics, that must be very funny.

    it was normal to do laundry by hand when I was young, but people never did that in bath tub.
    we have tools, wash basin
