Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Iron. It Does Not Work

I managed to borrow a travel iron from a friend before leaving. When she gave it to me she said "you probably want to test this first. I have no idea if it works". Well, it does not work. Now, we have to consider the possibility that I'm just not using it right. But still, you fill it with water, plug it in, press the money and put it on top of something (preferably an article of clothing). I did those things, and all I got was a tie with water all over it.

Sure, maybe this was pilot error (probably?). But it's also a slight probability that the iron just doesn't work very well. But let's face it, what were the chance that I was really going to iron my clothes that often, anyway? I did buy wrinkle-free shirts for just this occasion. And pants? Do I really care if they're not perfectly creased? I figure, it's so hot and humid here, just walking to work should do the trick. Or something. I don't really know how all that ironing works.

Ana, if you're reading this (and I know you are), you were right. I should have tried it first. I guess I'll pack it up when I leave, but if I'm going to accidentally forget anything, let's hope it's the iron and not something that works.

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