Saturday, June 13, 2009

Have I Mentioned That I Don't Like Smokers?

I'm not saying they're bad people (but I might not not be necessarily saying that), but seriously, I think there is a very clear message being sent when people smoke in crowded areas. And that message is "screw everyone else. I want to do this and it doesn't really matter that everyone else hates it". And I'm surely not saying this is unique to Hong Kong. It's everywhere, even back home (though, not as bad back there).

I get that you have the right to smoke, and I don't really care if you do smoke. But the issue isn't whether people should be allowed to smoke (they should be). It's about not being a dick about it. In what universe is it ok to stop on a crowded sidewalk, light up a cigarette, and blow a puff of smoke at head height, into a crowd? Seriously, how did that ever become the least bit socially acceptable? Do smokers really think that that's cool? Do they even care in the slightest that they're doing that to people? And then, they just continue on walking, spewing little clouds at head height, on a crowded sidewalk as they go.

Really, this strikes me as just about the most asshole-y behavior that we accept in normal society. How in the hell did that ever become ok?!

Now, I know smokers. Some of my best friends smoke. I'm not saying they're bad people (at all times, and in all places). But please, just for a second, stop and think about what you're doing to everyone else. And let's all just be honest. It really does come down to you really don't give a shit that you're doing that to other people. At least just admit that.

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