Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Swear, the Lady Made Me Do It

I decided to stop by the local Wellcome (yeah, two l's) market after work. The astute reader will note that I've been eating a little better (have I mentioned that? Maybe I didn't...). I've been making a lot of salads (simple ones) and apples. I don't know why but I've been digging apples a lot the last couple of weeks.

Anyway, I went to the register, with my salad fixings and milk, and single container of ice cream. I've been trying to not snack too much but I do love me my ice cream. I figure I deserve it. After all, I am working for free over here (man, I better get a great recommendation). As she was ringing me up she said I could get another ice cream for free. I didn't notice any sale sign at the cooler, but who am I to argue? That would be rude, and I am never rude. As you know. I actually felt kind of bad getting all this ice cream, and I even actually said I didn't really need all that much more. But for some reason, she seemed kind of insistent, like she couldn't bear to let me miss out on that kind of a deal. I guess I should thank her.

So, I scampered back to the ice cream freezer and got myself a second pint. I kind of feel bad about having all this ice ceram in the freezer, but not that bad.

This might not be too exciting to you, dear reader, but if you were here in this scorching heat and drenching humidity, you'd be excited, too.

My ice cream to freezer ration is pretty high right now. And that's exactly how I like it.

1 comment:

  1. It is only 1 pint, no guilty.
    I even doubt they sell 1.5QT or bucket size there
