Friday, June 19, 2009

Why Pay for LexisNexis?

This is kind of an inside topic here, but is it really necessary for people to pay for Lexis (or Westlaw, for that matter)?

To explain to the rabble, Lexis and Westlaw are research services, which give access to pretty much any printed information. They allow you to search any legal matter, as well as pretty much all newspapers and journals. Quite powerful. But the thing is, many (most?) jurisdictions are at least getting their information online. And that means that you can search.

I haven't seen Lexis in this firm. Nor have I seen Westlaw. It's all Google and the applicable jurisdiction's site (e.g., the Hong Kong government has their laws and cases online and searchable). If you need to know a particular Hong Kong Ordinance, you log on and search. Similarly for cases.

I know Lexis and Westlaw are super powerful, but they're just not quite as valuable as they once were. After all, if all this information is free, why pay the huge costs for those services? Aggregation aside, of course.

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