Saturday, June 6, 2009

Do I Dress Like a Pauper?

Before the aforementioned light show, I wandered around Kowloon for the afternoon. Kowloon is kind of interesting. It's full of high-end shops (D&G, Armani), but it's also got those basement malls where there are a hundred stalls jammed in, each selling knock off watches, or luggage, or what have you. Well, as I walked through the area, every damn "tailor" accosted me, telling me how he could make me new shirts for a great price.

I understand they're trying to make a living, but the whole hard sell thing is just so annoying. If I'm standing at the intersection, waiting to cross (because I'm a law abiding citizen, and I only cross with the light. Oh, I'm also petrified of Hong Kong drivers because I'm not sure if the pedestrian actually must be avoided. The drivers certainly don't seem to care much), do they really think that I think that they're trying to be my friend, getting to know me? How long am I in Hong Kong for? Where am I from? What am I doing in the city? I finally figured out that I should just keep my ear plugs in and pretend I'm listening to music. At least then I can just walk on by with nary a shake of the head to show my disinterest.

And another thing. All these guys were such tools, with their over-gelled hair, pressed slacks and gallon and a half of calogne. Guys, I don't want to be your friend, and I don't want to have you make me a custom set of shirts. Please just leave me alone. How many people fall for the hard sale, anyway? I considered that it was just a ploy to distract me while another guy pickpockets me, but they actually seemed to be trying to get me to get shirts made. I don't know.

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