Friday, March 30, 2012

Sapporo Lunch

After getting settled into the hotel, I decided to go hunt for some lunch.  I ended up in some indoor bazaar (picture a road they've converted into a covered strip mall.  Except with more lights than you would imagine).  I walked around for about half an hour, as most places were serving ramen, which I love, but just wasn't in the mood for.  I ended up at this tiny place that served rice bowls.

With no English menu, I was forced to point and try to guess what the meat was in the picture.  Pretty quickly the friendly owner (I assume) and I found a rice bowl with pork and pickled radish (I think I already mentioned this in the previous post?)  A few minutes later I was happily munching away!  These rice bowls are so simple, but somehow these little shows imbue some magic in there, because they taste so great!

A view of the bazaar.  This goes on for about 4 or 5 (largish) blocks.  The intersecting streets are normal intersections, with lights for the pedestrians hoping to cross.  It's actually much brighter than it looks here.  Kind of like an amusement park.

This place looks like it serves tasty food.  Yeah, I'm pretty much limited to places with pictures.

There's some rice under there.  Those are two thin-sliced pieces of pork.  Pickled radish on the right.  So simple, and SO good.

And next door there was a guitar shop!  I didn't play anything, but I love just looking at guitars.  They're like art to me.  This place carried a lot of Fenders and some local brands, which names I don't remember.  Really small, but still fun to browse.

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