Saturday, March 24, 2012

Akihabara at Night

My wanderings last night took me to Akihabara (Electronics Town). This area is packed full of all manner of electronics shops, large and small. There also seemed to be several... I think nudey bar would be the term? At least I'm pretty sure that's what Al Bundy would call them, and who am I to second guess an American hero? One place had a sign which read "Cutie Girls", decorated with comic renditions of what I assume were to be cutie girls. I didn't look to closely as I really don't need the Japanese equivalent of the FBI knocking on my door. What really lets you know these places cater to the gentlemen who prefer Cutie Girls is the number of young ladies dressed up as said Cutie Girls, handing out flyers.

Probably every twenty feet there was another young lady, somewhat bored and vacant-eyed, trying to lure passing guys into her employer's den. As a gaijin I'm not in their target audience, so I barely registered on their radar. This fact did not embolden me to take any pics of them, though. Just not comfortable with that. You all know how to use the Google, though.

Since it was just after 9pm, most of the electronics shops were closing, so I didn't get a chance to browse. It was interesting seeing the volume of shops, though, and the neon! I'll eventually get back and take some pics. This time was just wandering around and taking it all in. I did mention that I'm horrible at taking pics... Again, use the Google.

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