Friday, March 30, 2012

Sapporo Dinner

Even though I had a late lunch, I wanted to get some yakitori, which I thought would be a not-too-big dinner.  Turns out it's only a not-too-big dinner if you don't keep ordering more!  They're kind of small, and taste so great, that it's really hard to not order a couple more!!  I did end up ordering two pairs of yakitori (chicken skewers) and a pair of butabara (pork belly skewers, which are AMAZING).  And since I'm in Sapporo, I kind of had to order a biiru.  So order it I did!

I wandered for about an hour, looking for a decent yakitori place.  I eventually came across a tiny place with 3 booths and about 8 chairs at the bar.  Two booths were occupied, and I was directed to a seat at the bar, which was conveniently facing the TV, on which a baseball game was being show.  The Lions vs. the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters!  How frigging amazing is that name?!  Seriously, I will try to find an authorized shirt and frame it when I get home.  They actually have a pretty sharp uniform.

Anyway, the meet was awesome, and the beer surprisingly smooth and easy to drink (as you all know, I really don't drink, so this is saying something).  Of course there were pictures!

A nice, tall, cold Sapporo!

 Yakitori!  Yet again I started eating before remembering to take a pic.

Butabara (pork belly skewers).  Again, these were SO good.  Isn't pork belly always?

And the obligatory outside shot.  The entrance is just being the white lantern/sign, and the red hanging is covering the (small) front window.  A very awesome place, even though the guys in the corner were smoking.  I may go back one more time before leaving Sapporo.

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