Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One For the Record Books

This morning I took the train... Somewhere. I forget exactly where. Just to wander around. The important part is that after I got on, I glanced over to the book the young lady next to me was studying. It was an English book. She's obviously learning the language. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that the subject of the first example (which, incidentally, was "intense") was Donohue.

Quite amused, I said "sumimasen", pointed to "Donohue", and continued "watashi no namea wa Donahue". She replied something that I interpreted to be "no way. Really?" I honestly have no idea what she said, but I'm pretty sure she was reacting to my saying "my name is Donahue" so I just nodded and said "hai, Donahue desu". She seemed amused.

A very weird coincidence. I took a picture of the page, but Blogger doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Will try to post it later.

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