Saturday, March 24, 2012

A couple of Fun Interactions

Today I bought two things, from two venders, each with their (his/her?) own customer service style. First there was the guy working the convenience store near the train station. It was raining. I needed an umbrella (kasa. I wanted to say hon, but I think that's book?). He was selling umbrellas. I chose an appropriate one (i.e., not pink) and looked a question to him. He responded by holding 4 fingers up, saying "shi sen", or something close. Anyway, my point is he knew I didn't speak Japanese and cut to the chase. Good man.

Shortly thereafter I decided to buy a small patry-ish item for breakfast at a little pastry place in Ueno station. I brought my selection to the counter where a smiling, friendly and quite upbeat young woman began to rattle off a string of Japanese to me. She was very nice and friendly. I figured my obvious look of confusion, combined with my most likely badly pronounced "konnichi wa" gave away my inability to speak Japanese. She just kept plowing on. Again, VERY nicely. She was obviously trying to help. I tried saying "koko" and pointing to the store, hoping she'd get the point that I wanted to eat here. I know this is not right, but it was the best I could do, and I really wanted to eat that bun. She then put it on a plate with a napkin, and with a very nice smile sent me on my way. Excellent customer service, and no complaints from me.

Both sellers were quite nice and helpful and we both ended up getting what we wanted. But I think the convenience store guy was a little more experienced and realized I probably wouldn't be offended if we dispensed with some of the formalities of the sale and just got things done.

And yes, I realize this post is kind of inane and boring. But I've got to write about something, don't I?

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