Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ikebukuro Dinner Success

As advertised earlier, I went back to Ikebukuro for dinner. And I was not disappointed! Chicken katsu:  chicken fillet with panko, fried of course, along with rice, shredded lettuce with fancy sauce (I hesitate to call it a salad since it was just lettuce), miso soup, and curry noodles. All for like 750YEN!! It was actually too much food. Of course, I finished everything (except the miso soup, which I've never really liked) since it would be rude not to. I'm nothing if not polite.

I don't even know the name of this place since they had no English presence whatsoever. Not even a menu. While I am mastering "sumimasen, ee-go ga hanasemasuke", it was to no avail this time! Luckily, the guy knew "chicken cutlet", which I admit kind of surprised me. But whatever, it was SO good. Deep frying in panko is the best.

The guy next to me ordered what looked like a killer stir fry, which I'd REALLY like to try. Sadly, I'll have to do a little Japanese language jujitsu to figure out how to order it. I guess with the Google it shouldn't be too hard. I can always fall back on the chicken cutlet.

Here is the wonderful little establishment. Yes, they have plastic models of their dishes. I often just point to a particular model and rub my belly, while making whimpering noises to order. I mean, that's mostly a last resort, but I have pretty much done that before. Ain't too proud to beg!

And here is the wonderful dish. You'll notice there is a strip of chicken missing on the right hand side. That's because I remembered my camera after I started digging in. I've never been comfortable photographing my food, but this time I just went for it. I really wanted to document this wonderful meal. You can kind of see the lettuce behind and below the chicken. The curry noodle was coiled to the top right, barely visible. Those noodles were amazing, too. Kind of a dry-rub curry paste, as opposed to a sauce. So. Tasty.

And here is the little street this restaurant is located on. It's down the far end on the left. Quite a find!

I still plan on posting about Shibuya crossing, but not tonight. We'll always have to slideshow, though, right?

OH, and just for fun. I stumbled across this poster in the Minami-senju (the Medford or Tokyo, as I affectionately call it) station on my way home. I love how it's a Caucasian guy. Very inclusive.

And yes, the subways have bench-style, springy seats. Very comfortable. And they're heated all along the underside of the seats, so quite toasty. Way better than the plastic monstrosities we have back home.

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