Monday, March 26, 2012

An Ikebukuro I Didn't Know Existed

Ikebukuro is one of my favorite areas of Tokyo. When I visited in 2005, this was where Eri and I would regularly meet up and say goodbye, as it's where she got on/off the train home. Plus, it's just a very walkable area, with a lot for the eye to take in, and a pleasing combination of super-packed commercial areas and more low-key side streets with small restaurants serving, I can only assume, extremely tasty Japanese food. I really didn't see much of this area last time, so when I went there today, I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed walking around.

Truth be told, I was looking for a branch of the Ishibashi music store, but never did find it. I should probably have taken a copy of the map with me? Whatever, I had so much fun just wandering around, from super-dense stereotypical Tokyo over-signage to small and calm side streets. I saw so many places I wanted to eat at! I will be going back tonight for dinner (tonkatsu!), and likely for several more meals over the course of my stay. So many great places to try!

The road ahead is one of the stereotypical Tokyo shopping areas. Lined with loud signs (literally and figuratively) and tons of people. Note: I've actually been wondering why there are so many school-aged children out and about. Weird.

Yet again, a side street with... um, adult... entertainment. This section of Ikebukuro also had several all-night DVD places, where one could rent a cubby and watch DVDs till one's heart's content. I guess that might be useful if you stay out after the trains stop running? Pop into one of these places and watch a few movies until 5:30am or so, when the trains start? Alternate hypothesis: creepy guys go there to watch completely inappropriate porn.

This one's for Besu-kun. The last thing she said to me before I left was "you HAVE to go to Tokyu Hands!" Look what I came across as I wandered down the street today. Note that the Wikipedia article says that the the Ikebukuro location (this one) has a cat cafe! Even I, as one who is allergic to cats (though I love them!) totally support this. I may have to risk feeling miserable for an afternoon to go in and play with the cats. Well, considering I don't even walk across the street at home to visit the cat adoption every other Sunday, I probably won't. But it's something to consider.

To finish up, a little surprise. I decided to stop at Ueno Park on the way home, just to kill some time. As I walked towards the entrance, there was a group of school kids exiting. I absolutely love the little yellow hats. Huh, just noticed that girl in pink giving me the stink-eye. Not very welcoming. What has the world come to when a 38 year old single guy can't take pictures of school children walking through a park?

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