Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Camera for the Trip

I know nothing about photography, and can't really take a decent picture to save my life. But since I really want to document this summer, I decided to buy a new digital camera which would fit in my pocket. After reading some reviews and trying a few models, I decided on a Nikon Coolpix S230.

On the advice of some friends, I've decided to try and bring this camera with me whenver I go out and just shoot everything I see. Hopefully this will get me comfortable with taking pics, as welll as maybe, just maybe, becoming a not-too-horrible picture taker (I'll never be called a photographer).

So here are a few things that I've seen the last couple of days. I know it's amateur, but the photos are pretty large (1536x2048). Can someone tell me a good size to resize these things too??

Looking up the street near my house. I kind of like how the blue bins and yellow VW show up nicely. I wish I meant that...

This one is ok. Some flowers near the Galleria, down the road.

Here, I wanted to see if I could get the droplets on the petals. Yes. Yes I could.

"Why yes, I am reading ABA Journal". My stuff strewn on a bench.

Based on my limited experience with it, I think I like the new camera. Hope I can get myself to use it more often.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. for web, maybe 1024*9XX

    try photoshop online express to resize them to smaller sizes for various occasions.

    good luck and have fun

  3. For the most part, I recommend uploading to Picasa/Bloggspot at their recommended "web resolution" but if you want prints, go for full resolution.

  4. BTW: Pretty darned impressive for your first time out with the new camera!
