Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Clock is Adjusted

Literally and figuratively. I woke up a bit confused as to what day it is, which led to a brief panic that I'd have to go into work today (panic because I didn't scout the route out yesterday and I have very little idea how to get there). Of course, I DID wake up at 5:45am, so I'd actually have plenty of time. My former and current roommies know I can be out of the house in under 30 minutes. But I'm pretty sure it's only Sunday, so I should be ok. But still, 5:45am?! It's probably just a fluke, most likely a result of having crashed so hard yesterday. I napped a bit...

I actually planned on wandering yesterday, but around 1:30 or 2:00, I just had no energy and decided to go to bed for a bit. 6 or so hours later, I'm up. I briefly thought about going out, but I really didn't want to be up all night, so I stayed in and looked at my Hong Kong travel book, watched a little TV while surfing the web, and eventually went to be pretty early. Which must explain the 5:45am wakeup. So I think it all worked out pretty well. I plan on being bright and chipper for my first day of work tomorrow!

One thing I noticed this morning is that I had bought "Milk Drink, made from whole milk", instead of just milk. What does that even mean?? I had it in my cereal, and it tasted ok, I guess, but still, I'm a bit curious. I'll make do, though. I'm such a trooper.

I am definitely going to head out early today. See if I can scout that route to work, then head over to the Central - Midlevel Escalator. Yeah, it's a long escalator 2,600 feet long. And I plan to ride it. And there's the Zoological and Botanical Gardens, actually right across the street from the hostel, which I should really check out. The pictures look great, but as I've shown with my own stunning pictures, a true artist (dare I say "photog"?) can make even the most mundane scene appear vibrant and exciting. Can Hong Kong's parks be more exciting than a picture of my coat and magazine? We'll see.

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