Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm alive! And I Have All of My Original Organs!

Here I am, alive and well for my first full day in Hong Kong. Last night was quite an ordeal. I'm told that my total travel time was like 25 hours, which just goes to show how bad I am at math. Of course, I guess I can just blame the exhaustion.

I went down to the office this morning and politely asked about my room (am I ever anything other than polite?) and THEY apologized to ME! Actually, we were all apologizing to each other. I was sorry for coming in so late and not letting them know, and they were sorry about the guy downstairs not giving me a room. But the really funny thing is that they knew that I stayed at the hostel last night. How did they know? Let's just say that there was a minor kerfuffle, not really involving me, but which received some attention. I just kept my head down and pretended to be asleep. A bunch of people all talking in Chinese... I figured that was my best shot. And it worked! I was not dragged off to either the police station for questioning nor the kitchen for pot cleaning. I consider Night 1 a success.

I'm gonna go head out and wander the city for a while. Have to buy some supplies, and I also want to get a feel for what roads are walkable. It's pretty hilly here, and not all roads have sidewalks. And they drive on the wrong side of the road! Come on!


  1. Also, where is your camera?
    we wants to see some pics, about the place you stay.
