Friday, May 29, 2009

My Trip from Airport to Hostel (abbreviated version)

My day started bright (not really. It was cloudy and drizzly) and early (that part's true, at least for me), with a trip to Logan Airport. Here's my view as I sat in the lounge waiting to fly to NYC
From What I did on my summer vacation

Here's a fun view of the in-flight map. The astute reader (the rest of you will use Google maps) will note that the plane is only over Canada at this point. I took this pic simply to note that even at this early point in the trip, I was so frigging board. And the prospect of another 10 hours (not to mention Tokyo layover and subsequent flight to Hong Kong) was deadful. But I persevered!

Hoping to buoy my spirits, I checked the in-flight entertainment. To my horror, I found that the three (three!) comedies offered on this thirteen hour (THIRTEEN HOUR) flight were "Paul Blart, Mall Cop", "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Bride Wars". Really, who the hell chose that lineup?! At least they had a couple of episodes of "The Office" and "30 Rock". Though, with each only running about 22 minutes, I still had a bit of time on my hands. I think I slept about 2 hours, total. And that's being genererous. About halfway through the flight, I pretty much decided that I was not going to be taking that return flight home. Sorry, it's just too darn long. I'll make it as far as Tokyo on the way back, but getting on the plane from there? Thank you, but I'd prefer not. But of course, they'll probably just kick me out of the country anyway, so I guess I'll end up back in Boston eventually. Dammit!

But moving on... Hong Kong's airport is actually located on the island of... Whoops. Just let me get up and get my guide book. Amuse yourself for a moment. Ok, I'm back. Sorry about the interruption. As I was saying, the airport is on Lantua Island, just west of Hong Kong Island. Take a look!

View Larger Map

The Airport Express MRT line brings you right into Central, Hong Kong. And from there, it was just a few minutes in a cab to get to my place. Of course, due to all of the one way streets, the cab ride in no way prepared me for walking around town. But I plan on going out later to explore, after updating this silly blog and taking a short nap (a power nap, if you will).

Here's a pic of me waiting for the train. Or should I say, here's a pic of me taking a pic of me waiting for the train
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here's the view behind the pic of me taking a pic of me. It's a pretty nice airport.
From What I did on my summer vacation

Inside view of the train. VERY neat and clean. Quiet and comfortable, as well. No douchebags playing their mp3's through their cell phone speakers (seriously, why the hell are there so many douches on the T doing that these days?!) And yes, that IS the top of my suitcase in the photo
From What I did on my summer vacation

I thought the following was pretty cool. They have an LED line that shows the train's progress to the next station. How modern!
From What I did on my summer vacation

Those were just a few of the sights along the way. On the way out of the airport, we passed a massive cargo port, with containers stacked far and wide. We drove through canyons of sleek and tall apartment buildings. We drove along an expressway which made me think of New Jersey. Hong Kong truly has it all.

1 comment:

  1. I think that LED map is also available in Beijing's subway.

    Only T here is less modern :)
