Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu and Will It Affect My Trip?

I know swine flue is more of a Mexico thing, but I'm a little nervous about Hong Kong deciding that maybe I don't really need to visit this summer. I mean, the WHO has already raised their threat level to 5 (out of 6!!!), and who knows what will happen in the next few weeks?

Now of course, the most important thing is that this pandemic (I looked it up!) gets contained. And no one wants to see any more sickness and death (possible case of swine flu in Harvard Dental School?!). It may be a bit selfish of me to focus on how this will affect my trip, but there it is.

Here's hoping that things get better instead of worse.

And yes, I really should be working on my Corp Finance exam right now. Damn you internet!

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