Friday, April 17, 2009

Gay Duck Rape in the Boston Gardens

Wandering through the Boston public gardens this afternoon, I noticed a small commotion in the water near the swan boats. I have no scientific proof, but based on my rudimentary ornithological knowledge, I believe I saw one male duck attempting to, apparently with some success, rape another male duck.

The victim seemed to be trying to swim away, but the rapist managed to mount him, and proceeded to use his beak to repeatedly push the victim's head into the water. Now maybe this was a consensual encounter, and perhaps that bottom duck enjoyed this deviant behavior, but he did seem to be trying to swim away.

To make things worse, this was apparently a gang rape, as another duck got in on the action after a few minutes (yes, I watched this for about 3 or 4 minutes. Perhaps the longest 3 or 4 minutes of my life). But the really weird part was that this new duck actually mounted the duck on top! So here we have one poor duck trying to keep his head above water, while two other ducks (rapists!) climb on top of him.

This horrid scene finally ended when the triplet of ducks, one atop the other, bumped into a stationary swan boat, knocking the two perverts off that poor guy on the bottom. Our victim managed to harness a burst of energy at his new found lack of a rapist on his back and flew a few feet away. It kind of looked to me like rapist #1 wanted to continue the party, but he managed to control himself. This time. Who knows what will happen next time.

(Note: While I'm joking about gay duck rape here, I really don't think rape is funny. But seeing a few ducks acting this was was pretty funny. But not, I realize, to that poor duck on bottom).


    (very knowledgeable)
    but are you sure?

  2. well done: "new found lack of a rapist" isn't something you read every day.

  3. Oh, and combining the post headline with the blog title...priceless :-D
