Saturday, July 4, 2009

And It Comes To An End

Well, tonight is my last night in Hong Kong. Today, I met up with a friend and we had lunch / dessert. I have to say that I'm a little scared by Chinese desserts. It's not the taste, which is usually quite good. It's the texture, which pretty much freaks me out. So many things have a jelly-ish consistency, kind of like jello but a bit more slimy (sorry, my Chinese friends). But I tried, and that's what counts!

Even though it's been brutally hot and humid over here, I'm pretty sad to be leaving (though excited to be going home). A month is just enough time to get one's bearings, and to develop friendships such that just going out to hang out in a coffee shop or restaurant is so much fun. This last week, I've been lucky enough to spend 3 or 4 nights just hanging out getting to know some great people. I'm going to miss everyone. Hopefully, they'll all be able to visit Boston sometime.

I hope to get back to Hong Kong sometime. But not in the summer. I think this city would kick ass during the fall / winter. And now that I've been here, I know where to stay, and where to hang out. A subsequent visit will definitely be pretty great.

Hong Kong, I'm gonna miss you. Thanks for all the good memories!

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