Thursday, July 2, 2009

She Yelled At Me. With a Megaphone.

On my way to meet some friends for dinner, I noticed an MTR (the Hong Kong metro) worker standing at the bottom of the escalator with a megaphone. Since it was the tail end of rush hour, I guessed it was for crowd control. Since there wasn't much of a crowd around, she evidently didn't see the need to use it. Not so, her friend upstairs.

As I neared the top of hte ride, I caught a glimpse of another MTR worker with a megaphone. As I came into view she raised it to her face and said "PLEASE HOLD THE HANDRAIL". Since I was the only one there (the people in front of me were 1 step from the platform) I'm pretty sure that was directed at me.

With nary a moment before the trip ended, I grabbed the handrail, thus avoiding the harsh justice of the MTR. She gave a little laugh when I did that. I think we had a connection there.

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