Friday, June 5, 2009

Six Day Work Week?!

Yeah, that's what they've got over here. What is this, the Middle Ages? Granted, it's only a 1/2 day, but still. Kind of ruins the weekend. And I guess it's a good thing I didn't get a visa for the mainland, as I wouldn't be able to get away for a weekend anyway.

If the USA, the powerhouse economy of the world, the shining beacon of freedom on the hill, can have a 5 day work week, I think anyone should be able to. It really is true... You don't miss those freedoms until they've been taken away. Tomorrow, I mourn the 5 day work week.


  1. As I know, we work 5 days/week in mainland China.
    HK is a crazy place, I think I will not think about working there. Thanks to your blogs

  2. I think you are the only person I know with a 5 day work week.
