Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's So Cheap!

One of the best things here in Hong Kong (maybe THE best thing) is that food is really, really cheap. But the quality can be really, really great! Same goes for the clothes (though I really have no idea as to the quality. What do I know? I just wear it and look good. Real good. Hello, ladies.)

Last night I had the pleasure of hanging out with new friend from work, Dennis, and his friend Iris. I actually asked Dennis where I could pick up some new shirts (he's a dapper one) and he said he'd ask his friend who makes his "fashion" decisions for him. Evidently, that person is Iris.

In my quest for new clothes, we went to some place called G2000, and it's as swanky as you'd think. A little trendy, but hey, so aren't I. Right? Right?! I ended up buying a couple of dress shirts (have I mentioned that I wear a tie to work?) as well as a new pair of dress pants. I have people working on those now because evidently, people her are extremely tall and thin. I don't get it. How can a size 33 waste (I'm a tubby now) have legs that are like a 40? You know, this just reinforces gender stereotypes that say that men have to be tall and thin. How am I supposed to live up to that? I'm just as god made me, sir (anyone know what movie that line is form?) Anyway, they're working on the pants (for free!) and I'm gonna pick them up later this week.

Oh, we all had a laugh because I'm buying these new clothes, but my internship ends this week. But before I came here, I said I'd buy some new clothes, and buy them I did. It's good to accomplish one's goals.

Anyway, back to the food. After a little shopping, Dennis and Iris took me to this awesome Shanghai-ese / Chinese restaurant. This place is located in a fancy mall (there's ton's of malls here. Which is good because they're huge, and you can get around large swaths of town while staying in the a/c), and we were seated at the window overlooking the harbour (look at me, I'm British!). Beautiful view, with the lights across the bay (that'd be Kowloon). The plates were small portions (similar to tapas), and we ordered about 5 or 6. Spicey noodles, dumplings, prawns, hot pot. SO GOOD.

The restaurant had a simple, modern ambiance, great for hanging out and talking (we were there for like 3 hours). And that beautiful view. It would have been so lacking had we been seated across the way, near the kitchesn, or anywhere out of sight of the harbour.

The price? HK$317! Divide that by 7.8 (as we're all aware of the Hong Kong dollar to US dollar rate) and that's only $40.64! Total! That's like $13 a piece! How awesome is that??

Really, some of these restaurants here are such great deals. The food is amazing. The ambiance is great. And the prices are so cheap. Amazing.


  1. keep eating like that and by the time you get back 33 inches will seem svelte :)
