Friday, June 12, 2009

Ruling With an Iron Fist

This one will be short and sweet. But kind of an awesome story, nonetheless.

Today I needed a pen, so I approached the people who control such things and asked for one. The woman unlocked a file cabinet (normal procedure so far) and removed 2 pens for me. She then took down a 2" binder and make an entry for 2 pens! And made me sign it!!

Really? I have to sign out 2 pens? Are they going to extradite me if I don't return them? Am I not allowed to leave the country until all office supplies are accounted for?

I can understand having supplies under lock and key, but this seemed like a bit much. Dare I ask for a CDR? A DVDR? Some more yellow post-its?? When does the madness end?

You can't see it, but I'm shaking my head in disbelief right now. I'm sure you're shaking right along with me.

1 comment:

  1. It's so that when the big boss comes looking for a pen and there isn't one - he knows who to fire.
