Saturday, June 6, 2009

How Much Does That Cost, Again?

So, Hong Kong evidently has this regularly occurring light show, where they synchronize several of the office buildings, along with lasers on top and some music. It's quite a spectacle. Seriously, though, it's crazy. There are so many buildings along the harbor, and it's like each one is trying to out shine the others. Some buildings have lights cascading down the sides, some have multicolored or multihued displays, some have simple, yet elegant, highlighting. It's all really beautiful, and I imagine, quite expensive. But I don't believe anyone's ever accused Hong Kong of not spending money on austentatious displays.

Now keep in mind, I'm about 3 rungs lower than amateur when it comes to photography. I actually took about 100 pics, but most of them were blurry. I blame the confluance of hazyness and polution. I've included some of the better ones here. I also have two videos (isn't modern technology cool?!) for your enjoyment. Why, it's almost like you're seeing it through mine own eyes. Kind of like a reverse Being Kevin Donahue (Duncan, I know you get that one).

The show starts at 8:00pm and runs 15 minutes (that's until 8:15pm for you numerically challenged. You're welcome). Get to the harbor early to get a good spot. I arrived around 6:50pm and just sat around, along with a bunch of other people. There were boats pulling up in front of us and idling, which was a bit annoying. But it looks like they empty the harbor during the show. I kind of think they must temporarily sunk the boats, because it seemed like 5 seconds after the show ended, the harbor was full of boats again. Weird. Anyway...

I guess this one is around 7:20pm, as the sun had recently set. The pics don't really do justice to the contrast between the buildings and the signage. It's so vivid in real life.
From Hong Kong Light Show

And, around the same time, but a little to the right.
From Hong Kong Light Show

I'm not sure, but I think that building in the center / bottom is the convention center. I'm too lazy to look it up right now, so we'll just go with that.
From Hong Kong Light Show

And a little darker now.
From Hong Kong Light Show

This one's actually really cool. The building in the center, with the white skeleton, was great. The shading on the white lights would slide up and down the building, sometimes in different patterns. And the building just to the right had the multicolored side. Awesome.
From Hong Kong Light Show

Uh... I guess this is the railing in front of me?
From Hong Kong Light Show

This one is mid show. It's only got the white spotlights on top of the buildings. Even though it's blurry, you get the picture. Just imagine you were there, drunk, watching the show. Makes sense now, doesn't it?
From Hong Kong Light Show

Here, you can see the building with the white skeleton in mid shift.
From Hong Kong Light Show

I actually think this one came out ok.
From Hong Kong Light Show

These green lights were flailing away all over the place. I took about 3 or 4 pics, trying to capture them. They were timed to the music, so once I figured they were on every 4th beat, it was easy... Except that I'm not really certain how long my camera takes to snap the pic. But it all worked out in the end. Again, even though it's a little blurry, you can at least see all that's going on.
From Hong Kong Light Show

This guy starred in the light show (you can see it 2 pics above). I also think this was the building in Batman: The Dark Knight. remember he went to Hong Kong to capture that bad guy? And he jumped off that tall building (was it the Bank of China building?). Anyway, I think this is the building. It's kind of like I'm almost Batman... I mean, I didn't jump off the top of the building, but I was there.

From Hong Kong Light Show

All in all, quite a spectacle. Sorry I didn't get many (any?) good pics. Like I said, I'm not good at this. But I try, and we grade on a curve, right?

1 comment:

  1. Is it considered rude of me to say, "dude, get a tripod"? If so, then I won't ;-)

    Seriously thought, I envy you the awesome view. That sounds like a really cool event.
