Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mama, I'm Coming Home

Well, last night in Japan.  I love Tokyo, but I'm really looking forward to seeing my own bed again.

Today started off with some wandering around Ueno, eventually having lunch at a great noodle shop with Ko-san (where I actually got Tonkatsu!)  After that, it was back to the hotel for a bit of reading / procrastinating, then packing.  Packing was not fun as my suitcase was pretty much full when I arrived, and I bought a ton of clothes (Japanese clothes fit me SO well!)  Luckily, I managed to fit everything in though!  Gonna be a heavy bag to lug around, but shouldn't be too bad.  I'm a little nervous about getting to the airport tomorrow as I'll be leaving around rush hour.  Will probably leave a little earlier just to make things easier for me.  Which is easier to say at 8pm the night before, and not at 7am the day of.  It'll all work out.

The hardest part of spending a month here was the lack of interaction with people.  Since I wasn't working with a particular group at work, there was no clear channel for making friends.  I completely lucked out becoming friends with Ko-san, from the hotel, about which I'm quite happy.  If I was actually working with a group I think I would have been able to expand the circle of friends a bit and had it be more of a normal life.  But this month was still amazing and I'm very happy.  Not looking forward to traveling tomorrow, and frankly I'd rather just get it over with.  The night before is always a pain for me, as it's spent waiting for things to start.  Tough to just enjoy the last night, but I'll try.

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