Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today I went to Asakusa.  It is an older area of Tokyo and is very (VERY!) touristy.  The rickshaw drivers are a little aggressive (but polite!) in trying to get you in the carriages, but hey, it's how they make a living so you can't fault them.  You've got to admire their stamina, pulling those things around all day.  Amazing.

Again mostly posting without comment.

There were several groups of school kids here.  I think their field trips are better than ours.  The Museum of Science is cool, but not Asakusa cool.

I forget the company which owns that...  sign?  logo?...  but it's kind of iconic.  It's very visible from the Yamanote line.  I really like how the red posts contrast with the gray pavement.  And the large gold poop.

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