Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Quick Post About Shibuya Crossing

I have several other pictures of this area, but I just wanted to post this slideshow. It's only 6 pictures, but it's fun.

Shibuya Crossing is known as an insanely busy intersection. It really is chaos, but a beautiful chaos. Waves of pedestrians flowing across the intersection, somehow gliding past one another. It's pretty amazing to watch in person. You can find videos on YouTube.

This slideshow was taken today, Tuesday, around 1pm. If it is this crowded at 1pm on a Tuesday, imagine it on a Friday or Saturday night! I will definitely try to remember to do another sideshow capturing that.

A couple notes. First, the slideshow starts out with a shot with a billboard across the way. I absolutely LOVE this billboard! It is amazing! I don't know who the guy is, but that ad campaign makes me laugh every time I see it. Second, I don't really know why the girl in the fifth photo is holding her hand to her face like that. I can promise you that I did nothing to her, though.

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