Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harajuku Kevin

You can read about Harajuku here (yes, I did just remember I can add links to these posts. Will try to keep that in mind.) I didn't see much cosplay (it was a Sunday morning) but the park is quite nice. Let's go to the tape.

One of the park entrances has this large arch. Sadly, I don't think you can make out the kanji (I'm assuming) across the top. It's still a nice scene, though I think I needed to give my camera a bit more time to auto adjust. Looks a bit washed out.

The park has this large, uh, concrete monstrosity. The trees are nice, though. The designs on the ground seemed to be somewhat fanciful plants or trees.

I LOVE this one. I came across a kind of bird sanctuary. Seemed to be only crows, but that's not important. What IS important is this guys lens! Look at that thing! Compensate much, buddy?? His friend seems less-than-pleased that I'm taking this pic, but I just smiled, waved, and moved on. I figured there's no way those guys would catch me, what with their lugging all that glass around.

This park is quite popular with runners. One thing I noticed was these guys holding a bungee. I have no idea why this would be a good idea, but perhaps one of our runners in the audience can chime in? I thought maybe one of them was blind? I did see one other couple with this setup.

God, this is another one I love. He's kind of hard to see, but the guy on the left side of the pathway wearing short shorts. I believe he was RaceWalking. The thing is, he was fucking owning that walkway! The way he was walking heel to toe... Heel-toe. Heel-toe. Heel-toe. Just a perfect (and fast!) runway walk.

It's not the most beautiful park I've ever seen, but it is nice. This fountain was pleasant. I'm sure it's just because it's only March and the grass hasn't had time to come in. There was a lot of mud / dirt around. Still a beautiful walk (it was like 50 degrees and sunny. Amazing! So much better than visiting in July. What was I thinking last time?!)

This one's interesting. A lovely young newlywed couple getting their wedding pictures taken in the park. Universal (longtime readers will remember my picture of the couple being photographed in a Hong Kong park in the middle of June. That couple did NOT look happy.) However, please note that they are holding up '2013'. I did see another '2', so they at one point did hold up the proper year. I did feel like I was intruding a bit by taking this picture, but hey, if you don't want strangers taking your picture, don't have a photo shoot in a park.

And we end with another newlywed photo. However, this couple is obviously much, much cooler. Notice the guitar the groom is carrying. Now, I've been a guitar player my whole life. If I define myself as anything, it's as a guitar player. It's what I do, who I am. That said, I still do not understand holding a guitar in a wedding picture. Not judging, just saying.

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