Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This morning I again visited the Roppongi area, visiting Tokyo World Trade Center (where I got off the Metro), Tokyo Tower, and surrounding environs (i.e., I wandered aimlessly).  On my way back to the Metro, I was stopped on a corner waiting for the crosswalk (which almost everyone obeys) when a waitress at a tiny shop on the corner popped out and cried "irasshaimase" (which is the greeting you hear whenever you enter any store or restaurant.)  I glanced at their menu next to the door and sure enough they had katsudon, so in I went.  Looks like your marketing strategy worked this time!

Anyway, this place was even more tiny that the shop last night, consisting of a raised kitchen in the center with a small bar all around.  Sitting at this bar, there was barely enough room for the waitress to flit back and forth.  Luckily, she was pretty tiny, so it all seemed to work out.  I'm pretty sure the guys behind the counter would not be able to make it.

And I did get another chance to practice my Japanese.  Pointing to the menu, I queried "chicken desu ka?"  She replied that it was actually pork.  Which surprised me since she used the English word.  Wanting to show off, I then said "ah, so desu ne.  Buta desu.  Hai."  I'm fitting in already!  I ordered.  Eh, I'm probably just embarrassing myself every time I open my mouth but I'm trying!

This restaurant was definitely a good choice.  The meal was filling, enough to fill me up but not too much (I again avoided the miso soup.  I need to learn how to say "no miso, please".  I can probably get the point across now, I guess.  Will try to remember next time."

Again, I forgot to take a pic before diving in!  I don't know, maybe it doesn't show up in this pic?

And here's the outside of the restaurant.  You can see Tokyo Tower in the background.

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