Saturday, April 14, 2012

Some More Random Pics!

Mostly just wandering around at this point.  These are just some random pics snapped along the way.  I may have posted a few of these before, but I'm too lazy to check (a common theme).

These first two are just outside...  Ikebukuo Station!

This is the automated train to Odaiba, which is on Tokyo's bay.  It was raining, and nighttime, so not much to see.  But it was an awesome night anyway.  This is from the front seat, where it's like you're on a roller coaster.  A slow-moving roller coaster (not that I like roller coasters).

Here I was just trying to take a picture of all the people out in Shinjuku during the rain.  Just happens to be a cute girl in the center there.  That's just Tokyo.  You can't throw a stone without hitting a cute girl.  I've tried.

This one does confuse me.  Tokyo Teleport Station.  This one went up on FB, for obvious reasons (i.e., it's awesome).   Again, at Odaiba (not sure why it's after the Shinjuku one above).

This was a dinner I cooked myself!  It's nice to have veggies once in a while since I'm usually ordering meat dishes, and it doesn't seem common to get veggie sides.  I'm absolutely LOVING the food here, but once in a while veggies are in order.  This was one of those times.  There was another hotel guest having out in the lobby, and he seemed interested so I asked him to take a piece.  He reacted very well, and gave several compliments.  Cooking win for me.

And here is my signature hot chocolate (hotta cocoa, as we say here in Japan).  The nights are wonderfully cool here.  Perfect for a hotta cocoa.  Fun fact:  I was reading a history of the American Revolutio.

This is the toilet in the lobby of the hotel.  The toilets up near the rooms do have the heated seats, but no control panel.  The lid automatically raises when you enter the stall.  I didn't try and of the controls, even though they've got pictures.  I'm still pretty leery of these things.  You can pry my toilet paper from my cold, dead, likely disease-infested hands.  I do like the heated seats, though, and will be investigating those when I return (though my bathroom doesn't have an outlet.  I'm pretty sure that violates building codes, but whatever).

This is the rail yard at Minami-senju station, where I get off the metro for the hotel.  There is a walkway over the tracks that I take each day.  Interesting view.

Rows of guitars at a shop in Shibuya.  I actually asked to play a couple, because it's been like 2 weeks since I've picked up a guitar.  I played a couple of Ernie Ball Musicman guitars (which are awesome).  Plugged into a Marshall JVM210H with a 2x12, which was frigging amazing!  I only played for a few minutes before the guy came and stood over me.  I think we both knew I wasn't buying, and he wanted me to leave.  Or something.  Made me uncomfortable, so I took off.  At least I could jam for a few minutes, though.  If it was the states, I'd just tell him to leave me alone for a bit to get a feel for the guitar, but I'm trying to be nice over here.

And here's the view from the McDonald's in Shibuya.  One of the McD's, at least.  There are several.  You order on the 1st floor, which is tiny, just a counter for ordering, then you walk up to the 2nd or 3rd floors to sit and eat.  Those floors are also tiny, but that's where you eat.  And people watch!

Shinkuku at night, just out of the train station.  Not sure which one, because there's like 1000 exits.

This is a nice little path I found in Shinjuju, between some buildings.  Kind of out of place, and seemingly a good place to mug or rape someone, but it was a nice walk.

On the way back, stopped by Ueno.  Here's the shrine.  Kind of late, but still a lot of people milling about.

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