Friday, May 29, 2009

My Home for the Next Month or so...

It's actually not too bad. Frankly, it's better than half the apartments in Cambridge. Clean, good closet space, a/c, fridge, tv. I'm living the high life here in Hong Kong.

Here's my room after you just walk in
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here is is from the corner by the foot of the bed
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here's what I picked up shopping earlier (yes, that's toilet paper in the back. BYOTP)
From What I did on my summer vacation

The major view from my window
From What I did on my summer vacation

And here's one to give you an idea of how deep that building is
From What I did on my summer vacation

So I guess God lives in the penthouse of this one (always watching over and all that...)
From What I did on my summer vacation

And an artist's rendition of me (except for it looking nothing like me) just a few minutes ago. I'd be the one in front, if it was really me. And for the record, I still have all my hair
From What I did on my summer vacation

Those are just a few of the wonderful sights I've seen today. I didn't really take out my camera on the streets today because I'm still trying to figure out if I should be walking on the left or the right! As far as I can tell, it's kind like you just do what you want to do and everyone somehow manages to avoid each other.

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