Saturday, March 21, 2009

Got my ticket

I finally got off my ass and bought my plane ticket! May 28th: leave for Hong Kong. July 4th: fly to Tokyo. July 20th: sadly, fly back home (do I have to??).

My initial search for tickets kind of freaked me out because the price was over $2k. Luckily, with a more thorough search, and after talking to some folks who know, I managed to get something for just a bit over $1k. Awesome. I'm still looking for a place to stay, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'm just holding out for a room with a private bathroom. I guess it'd be ok to share a bathroom over there, but I wouldn't mind spending a few more bucks to have my own. I like to live large. I should probably nail down a place soon, but it'll all work out.

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